This is a Treatment on GAZA that is about 120 Years ahead of its Time... no brag: just Fact !!
To actually publish this and make it into a JazzRock Opera would require people with senses of humor.

A Fantastically Flawed Script for -- GAZA -- JazzRock Opraepic

<i>A Fantastically Flawed Script for --</i> GA<i>Z</i>A -- JazzRock Opraepic
By Pat Darnell, Certain to have you Scratching Your Head in Places you didn't know you had...


Saturday, March 21, 2009


Posters, Pimps and Planets of undeterred Bloodshed

by Samantha Darnell
and Sylvia Darnell-Boykin

Blog Chatter January 29, 2009 | for Opera Epic
1. Afghanistan 2. Blagojevich 3. Business Leaders 4. Climate Change 5. Economy 6. Emissions 7. Home Prices 8. SEC 9. Stimulus Plan 10. Updike -- What if life on Earth began in outer space? Millions of people accept the theory that intelligent life forms visited Earth thousands of years ago and were worshiped as gods by primitive man. Are monuments like Stonehenge and Easter Island the last remains of an ancient alien visitation? From unexplainable super structures, to knowledge of the solar system, mathematics, and even the ability to make electricity, this special explores evidence of super-human influences on ancient man and embarks on an around-the-world search for answers. It's an investigation into a theory some believe cannot be true, but many agree cannot be ignored. (New--2009 special.)

PART SEVEN Act Three -- I am a Planet


Rock Operaepic: Helicopters, Gunships and Tanks

A Rock Operaepic ... [using the Yiddish Dictionary Online]

I Am a Planet
[Two Planets, that love each other, have been drifting apart since the mass was cloved. It is a bastard child they share, who floats between their two gravities in a love relationship of immense material proportions]

I am a planet
One of texias kichas zillions smillions planets
in a solar system
in a galaxy
in a universe
in a super universe
I have height and depth
I have width and breadth

And space... lots of space
Life lies asleep
Slepus Nimbus billion zillion years
then when conditions are just right
life happens very fast
life multiples
making a soup of
a Planet like me

I am alive in the universe...
(Samantha Darnell)
War Crimes

What would we do
if we were there
entombed in pits
of warish despair
in life withstanding
depths of death
depicting forms of breath and dread

Forestalling gnaws' en grinding pangs
of hunger's claws en caving frames
where human screams
of loss and stench
are heaped on mounds
of sorrows pains

Of burning rotting
flesh of men
twisted forms of
carcass's maimed
unspoken horrors
claim control
as infestation carves
the soul
When eyes vacate
the pitted holes
where once Hope of God
took hold

Hopelessness of time and space
when love forgets the human race
where cries of children
have no place
but to reveal
the power of hate.

what would

we do if
we were there
devoid of care, defense or help
what could we do if we were there
shackled in War's tomb
of Hell.
(Sylvia Darnell-Boykin)
Rock Fiction

Out there over the rainbow
rocks lie dead
there men's day dream
of passions never tread

The way to wish
upon a star
is with a gooey
large Mars Bar
and when we gaze
upon the Moon
recall advising
of the Spoon:

'Success... is not a whim
nor a wish
but elopement
with the Dish'

Carpe diem
squeals the squirrel
fuzzy furry
tail unfurled
seizing ripest
fruit of day
for life he knows'
might soon decay

If you wish
upon a star
though still
you wonder where
you are
fret no further
search not far
you're at your rainbow

There you are,
there you are,
there you are.
(Sylvia Darnell-Boykin)
Finale: To All -- To One

Check the stakes
learn the moves
test the tone
determine the mood

give or take
remain unmoved
shoulders straight
slump not
nor brood...

All things
all men
try politics
bless us all

scratch this way
scrape that way
look way past,
past your way

trim the fat
connect waves
grasp at drifts
contiguous chords
rest at rift

famine beast
sword or lie
eagles's feast
forget to fly

Hover fast
count a third
flitting hummingbird
suckling living words

not too full
thence lift away

above ground
mount clouds
new forms
true, not proud

to all -- to one --
scratch this way
scrape that way
look way past,
past your way

(Sylvia Darnell-Boykin)

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